Added by Burning Attack
Super Saiyan Goku The Dragonball Z Technique Guide
Overtime though Krillin and Goku became good friends.

"Super-Saiyan, Man, So Please Stay Off My Dragon Ballz"
what the fuck would happen if Nappa were to go super saiyan?
Super Saiyan even goes SSJ 3,
Why did Goku turn super saiyan? Because Gohan Killed Cell
1.Future Gohan Reason:He's the one who train future trunks how to fight and
with just seconds to spare, but has he really achieved super saiyan?
17 - Super Saiyan
Super Saiyan 3 Vegito
Battling the Legendary Super Saiyan: Round 3
Harcore looking Krillin.
Broly, Legendary Super Saiyan
Krillin tries to assist in anyway possible even after he knows that he can't
#18 - cutiepiecutiepie Krillin's future wife #19 - Pending
Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan InuYasha
Both character forms are fictional as Broly never went past Super Saiyan 1
Signature Move: Spirit Kame Candy Flash Cannon Forms: Super Saiyan 1,
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