Saturday, 21 May 2011

Apopka Memorial Middle School

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  • Optimus Frag
    Apr 23, 12:13 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I was under the understanding that the reason that the current 320M has been so impressive considering the aging Duel Core CPU was the increased speed of data transfer from the SSD meaning a large increase in efficiency in both the CPU and the GPU.

    So surely it stands to reason that if the intergrated GPU of Sandy Bridge is only slightly less powerful than the current 320M but will be partnered with the SSD and a MASSIVELY more powerful CPU then the sandy bridge MBA will be at least as powerful in graphics terms than the currant MBA.

    Am I just being stupid thinking that?

    Apopka Memorial Middle School. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • Platform
    Sep 26, 08:58 AM
    That artists rendition posted on the front page is pointless. It's not as though that is the actual design. It looks too Nano-ish, and even the Nano look has changed.

    Anyway, I'm not excited about an iPhone. It would need to give me at least one neat feature for this to be worth drooling over.

    Apopka Memorial Middle School. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • karthi
    Sep 19, 04:20 PM
    It seems to me, apple is matching video quality of the downloads exactly to what the iPod can handle...

    This seems logical now, so can we expect better movies after ture video iPods.

    Apopka Memorial Middle School. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • jp102235
    Mar 29, 12:23 PM
    Apple still doesn't have upload to a cloud or wireless syncing, and Windows Phone does. 25 GB free sky drive, as well as a beautiful hub where you choose what to access at a glance.

    mobile me does this, and I suspect, it will become free soon (or at least parts of it).

    Apopka Memorial Middle School. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • Surely
    Apr 25, 09:54 AM
    Your mother approved of you slamming on the brakes and causing a car that potentially had a baby on board to swerve at a high speed? All because the car was blocking you from arriving at your destination a few minutes faster?

    Are you ****ing kidding me?

    I don't like people who drive slow in the passing lane either, but I would NEVER put people's lives in danger just to save a few minutes on my drive. Think about that.

    You probably thought you'd post your story and get a few laughs. Well, after reading your OP and subsequent posts, look who turned out to be the joke (it's you, BTW).

    Oh, and change your ****ing avatar.

    Apopka Memorial Middle School. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • shigzeo
    Apr 19, 07:42 PM
    Whatever happens, and no matter how stupid I think this lawsuit is, I hope Samsung get a stinker on their international image where people think they are some cute Korean company. As stated many times in this thread, they are the biggest conglomerate in the world and could swallow Apple whole. Hell, they could swallow Venezuela whole, and maybe even Canada. In Korea, they even run the government through many arms.

    Comparing an electronics company (Apple) to a freaking giant lizard conglomerate that owns everything and (a little and) electronics, is as stupid as can be. In the age of the internet, why not read a little, first, and then comment on that shytebag murderous bloated tax-evading totalitarian regime known as Samsung.

    Apopka Memorial Middle School. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • Funkymonk
    Apr 19, 10:45 AM
    as much as others "stole" from apple I bet apple "stole" just as much from other companies. funny how macrumors failed to mention that samsung may be counter suing because apple might have used some samsung tech without asking as well.

    oh well life goes on. None of theses multi BILLION dollar companies have any soul, they are just cold, calculating, heartless businesses. And for all the apple fanatics here, yes that INCLUDES apple. :o

    Apopka Memorial Middle School. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • prady16
    Sep 5, 01:50 PM
    I expect upgrades to the laptops, iMac, and Mini. Also, there is a good chance of introducing either a iPhone or a iHome.
    iTunes Movie Store is certain, although it would be interesting to note how apple goes about selling movies (like the resolution, download times, pricing etc.)

    Apopka Memorial Middle School. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • retroactiv
    Mar 29, 12:06 PM
    SL has cut and paste. CMD+X, CMD+V

    Finder does not support Cut and Paste for files, and is unlikely to do so. Its a philosophical difference, and to bring that up as an example of Win7 superiority is silly, at best. Apple could easily implement it, but they choose not to. Its another one of those "One button Mouse" deals, where Apple is being obstinate.

    Windows 7 is a much better OS than its predecessors, but to claim it does the "little things" better than SL is so hilarious I don't know how to respond. There is literally no consistency between anything. Just go to the Control Panel, and while clicking dialogs you will be transported between windows that look like they are modern Web Pages (especially the network panels, with blinking computers) and panels that looked like they haven't realized that Windows 95 is obsolete yet.

    Windows 7 is a UI and usability nightmare (compared to SL, although much better than Vista). What I do give credit to MS for is that its security model is rock solid (probably better than Linux and most Unixes). Mac OS X has fallen behind in security. This, however, is not that big an issue anymore, IMO, because all OS security is complex enough that attackers are relying on OS vulnerabilities less, and Social Engineering more to gain access. Again, Windows's bad (and more important in this context, horribly inconsistent over the years) UI has made its users more vulnerable to such attacks.

    "SL has cut and paste. CMD+X, CMD+V"

    Finder does not support Cut and Paste for files, and is unlikely to do so. Its a philosophical difference, and to bring that up as an example of Win7 superiority is silly, at best. Apple could easily implement it, but they choose not to. Its another one of those "One button Mouse" deals, where Apple is being obstinate.

    "Windows 7 is a much better OS than its predecessors, but to claim it does the "little things" better than SL is so hilarious I don't know how to respond."

    Apparently you DID know how to respond... :)

    I love Snow Leopard. I use it EVERYDAY, right beside Windows 7. I wasn't saying that that one particular feature made it far superior - just that something so "small" really does effect the user experience.

    SL and Win 7 are both great... :]

    Apopka Memorial Middle School. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • notmenotyou
    Sep 15, 05:31 PM
    3MP iPod camera phone?!?!? i'll be the first one in line to have it:p

    Apopka Memorial Middle School. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • brepublican
    Jul 14, 11:23 AM
    Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Extreme processors have a plethora of new features including Intel Wide Dynamic Execution, Intel Smart Memory Access, Intel Advanced Smart Cache and Intel Advanced Digital Media Boost.

    Wow. Are all these features actually on an Intel chip? It's not obvious or anything :rolleyes:

    Apopka Memorial Middle School. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • rmhop81
    Apr 22, 01:35 PM
    Cloud is a awful idea, and I hate streaming video technology too because you never can "own" or store the items on YOUR computer in the event something happens.

    I can't believe so many people are following this cloud crap like its a good thing.

    Essentially you'd be paying for items that run on the companies servers in which they pretty much can hold the data hostage.

    2nd, servers do go down and most broadband companies employ caps now (which is ridiculous since internet use is increasing) so that is another issue.

    3rd, if becoming hugely popular, storage space on devices is no longer going to be a priority. (though really hasn't been the last few years for apple anyway)

    If I pay for something it should be on MY computer not some company that can change their policies at any time for any reason. Including boosting prices.

    Now cloud based services would make a nice side kick to storage but it definitely should not kill the current module of downloading stuff to your computer and allowing you to "own" the content and move it how you please.

    Unfortunately the general population don't have the brains to really see the negatives to any apple ideas.
    apple is not the first ones to do this so not sure about your last comment. if you USE itunes, do you REALLY own anything???

    why is there a limit to how many computers you can play a song on? hmmm yeah u don't really own it now do you?

    Look at netflix and hulu plus. if you can get access to TONS of content through a subscription what is the point of owning an actual physical copy if you can watch it from your queue online on your device?

    Apopka Memorial Middle School. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • Onimusha370
    Mar 22, 01:49 PM
    Finally some Mac rumors.. :D

    my thoughts exactly :)

    Apopka Memorial Middle School. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • Rhema
    Sep 16, 01:54 PM
    ok, so...I wrote this really really really long message, and by the time I had submited it, I had been logged out, and so I lost the whole message. So I'm going to re-write it, but in a much shorter version

    Basically I listed all the Ideas I had for the Apple Smartphone. What made the message so long was that I also explained why I wanted each type of feature. I'm going to try and stay away from doing that this time and just list the features but keep in mind that I agree that a lot of these things are a stretch.

    - first, call it iMobile instead of iPhone
    - have a full size screen that is a touchscreen.
    - have the screen slide up to reveal the keyboard
    - have atleast 30 gigs of storage.
    - iSight that can rotate. For taking images and having the screen as a viewer, and having the iSight pointed at you for video conferencing
    - Use the EvDO technology that the sony treo700 uses that is supposed to be "near broadband speeds"

    - iPod interface
    - mobile iTunes Store, able to download music, shows, and movies on the go.
    - ability to record sounds and voices
    - ability to record video
    - mobile versions of Mail, Address Book, Calender, iPhoto (displaying photos you take or upload) and able to sync perfectly
    - mobile Safari
    - mobile stickies (more like a notepad type feature)
    - bluetooth ( using headsets, but also using the phone as a remote for keynote and the soon to be released iTV
    - radio tuner ( i know this is pretty simple, but why not?)
    - GPS like system, or atleast a built in mobile google maps? (possibly even mobile google earth
    -mobile iChat (since iChat can connect to aim and other services)
    - mobile widgets (my sidekick has a lot of programs that you can download for it, most of them being a lot more powerful than most widgets) imagine having the "find the cheapest gas station" widget, get our your phone, bring it up, put in the zip code of wherever you happen to be, see where the cheapest place to get gas is.
    - the ability to remote desktop into your mac. (would have to install software on your mac that would create connection for you) gives you the ability just to browse through you desktop's files, if you forgot a file that you need and lets you download it on to your phone.
    - Also, lets you use the phone as a bluetooth modem for your computer.

    I'm sure there is more..but I'll stop there

    Apopka Memorial Middle School. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • OdduWon
    Sep 12, 01:31 AM
    this is great:) were going to be able to control front row with our new touch screen ipods. apple has kept this "close to the chest" because it involves leapord, core animation and the new front row. they even showed it to us when demoing core animation. they had all the data for the floating songs right there while they were just raining down in the background. think about it you could see a what you streamed to the tv on the ipod and touch albums or dvd covers floating in the library. :D hope bluetooth is enough for that seems the movie dongle transef speeds are going to be fast. hope they do release a mac mini tubeport package too.

    Apopka Memorial Middle School. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • miller218
    Aug 28, 03:51 PM
    there will ALWAYS be updates, if you keep waiting for the next one you'll be waiting forever. Santa rosa isn't going to be THAT amazing of an upgrade. I'd just buy the core duo 2 when they release and then upgrade to leopard later. But that's just me.

    What about the Robson flash technology. That sounds like the greatest thing since a laptop with a palmrest on the bottom and an "upside down" logo.

    Apopka Memorial Middle School. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • xPismo
    Sep 26, 09:51 AM
    No iPhone for me then. Cingular blows.

    No iPhone for me neither. But really, unless it was out-of-the-park good, there was no change I get one anyway.

    Is anyone else getting a bit tired of all this apple branding outside of the computer space? I mean, a phone? Why o why SJ? :confused:

    Apopka Memorial Middle School. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • j_maddison
    Sep 26, 11:14 AM
    Did you even read the link?

    Speculation is that O2 will have the exclusive rights to the iPhone in Europe. You can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think O2 is somehow connected to Orange. So it looks like the iPhone will have a carrier in Europe and the UK.

    O2 has nothing to do with Orange. They're completely seperate companies with different parent companies. I believe Orange are owned by France telecom, where as O2 are owned by Telefonica.


    Apopka Memorial Middle School. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • Temporal
    Apr 20, 12:01 PM
    Don't rely on encryption to protect you in any way. The police can crack it, as can hackers, and they can simply demand with a court order that you give them the password. Then you're forced to essentially testify against yourself. No, pleading the 5th won't help.

    That's actually not true in any case I have read about. You can't compel encryption passwords.

    May 3, 11:28 AM
    Gotta say, that 27" with dual ACDs is nice...

    Apr 24, 10:56 PM

    Mar 30, 11:40 AM
    IMO it's like Publix or Kroger trying to claim the rights to "grocery store."

    Or maybe more like if McDonald's tried to claim the rights to "burgers."

    Apr 20, 11:34 AM
    Has to have some back and forth that could be tracked.

    GPS devices don't transmit. I think they'd have a much shorter of a battery life if they were sending signals to the satellite.

    Aug 28, 12:07 PM
    I bet they release a "processor bump" tomorrow.


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