Thursday 13 January 2011

What Ever Happened to Diet and Exercise?

When I got the February 2011 issue of Marie Claire magazine there was one cover story that immediately caught my eye.

"The New Dangerous Diet That Really Works. Would You Go This Far To Be Thin?"

The truth is, a lot of people would.

I was shocked that a magazine so recently surrounded by controversy (see article) would put something like this on their cover. The cover is almost daring people to try this diet.

This "diet" called the HCG Diet invloves eating only 500 calories per day and taking injections of HCG (the pregnancy hormone). The belief is that HCG burns more fat as energy. Eating only 500 calories a day is never safe. Either is taking unapproved injections.

This diet is obviously not approved by the FDA, and while Marie Claire does include a small column with Doctors' opinions (that it's bogus) and other side effects the fact that this article is out there in the first place really bothers me.

Yes, a lot of fashion mags tend to put a focus on being thin and beautiful but at the same time these magazines are also influencing young girls. While some people will read this and think "wow that's crazy" someone else might think "I should try this". I think magazines have a responsibility to ensure that they are not encouraging people to pursue any diet or exercise habits that could be dangerous to their health. 

I realize it might be common sense that this diet is unhealthy but Marie Claire should take into consideration that women with eating disorders or unhealthy obsessions with weight loss exist in their reader pool.

What do you think?
Does it cross a line to put something so dangerous out there?

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