Wednesday 28 October 2009

'Cause I know there's no life after you

My Boyfriend and I met when we were both dating other people. When our respective relationships came to their inevitable ends we started spending more time together. We had always gotten along really well, we always had a connection. [Later he admitted to having feelings for me for a very long time, always hoping I would be there at social outings, he even sought advice from friends about what he should do]

We stuck together at that point because we were two of the only single people in our network of friends. After my relationship ended I was living alone in a two bedroom apartment and I'm pretty sure I didn't eat dinner for a couple of months solely because I didn't want to cook for one. I started inviting him and another friend over for dinners every Monday. He always came early and wanted to help me cook and it became something that we looked forward to every week. Sometimes our other friend couldn't make it and it would just be the two of us. We branched out and started going to movies together, lunches and he would invite me out with his friends. We had so  many little moments where we must have known how the other felt but never admitted it.

One night while out celebrating a friend's birthday (and after a couple margaritas) we were sitting apart from everyone, talking. For the life of me I can't remember what we were talking about but I remeber him asking, "Can I kiss you now?" and I remember being absolutely speechless but we when kissed cheers erupted from our friends who were over at the bar, one of them yelled, "it's about f-ing time!" and we burst out laughing. It was such a surreal moment, like from some cheesy romantic comedy, but one of the best moments of my life.

We moved in together three months after we started dating, he spent more time at my place anyway and everyday has been more and more amazing. He truly is my perfect match, we share many similarities but we also complement eachother very well. He is the patience to my impatience. I honestly fall more in love with him everyday. Our friends have said they've never seen either of us happier. He tells me often that he's the luckiest man in the world, I think I'm also the luckiest woman. I can't wait to see what our future holds.

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