Thursday 12 August 2010

Sometimes It's Better To Keep It To Yourself

Just thought I would share some thoughts with everyone on this lovely Thursday!

I'm pretty opinionated and fairly outspoken but even I know that there are some things that are better left unsaid. My Fiance has a co-worker who seems to always get herself into trouble over the same subject, bad-mouthing the Boss' girlfriend. In this case, as it's her Boss it's a big obvious no-no but what about when one of your friends gets their heartbroken? I thought I would share some insight that I have learned over the years with you.

I know that your first instinct when someones relationship ends or hits a rough patch is to try and help them, sometimes by pointing out their significant other's shortcomings, or telling them why you never liked the person. But remember these two key points:

1. By telling your friends negative things about their former (or current) flame you may inadvertently be insulting your friend! Remember, your friend fell in love with them so they obviously saw something you may not see.

2. Sometimes people work things out! If the couple reconciles their relationship your friend will remember the negative things you said and it will only reflect badly upon you. Your friend may also tell their significant other what you said and it can ultimately damage your relationship with your friend. Remember, you end up looking like an idiot, not their love.

Just remember that sometimes, it's better to keep something to yourself! Be supportive of your friend but not negative. Remind them of a dream or goal they had that might be achievable now that they are unattached and remember to listen.

I really miss reading all your blogs! I am finally up and running at my new office and plan to play a lot of catch up this weekend to see what you all have been up to!

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