Friday 6 August 2010

Twilight Saga: New Moon - Alice Cullen Fashion & Style

Waistcoat + blouse + bow = A+

 Twilight Saga: New Moon - Alice Cullen Fashion & Style This is very Chuck from Pushing Daisies, don't you think?

 Twilight Saga: New Moon - Alice Cullen Fashion & Style I'm quite partial to blue, and this shade is really gorgeous. The Cullens actually seemed to have a lot of blue, grey, and black going on in general. Guess it's just a vampire thang.

Style tip: what could be a boring set of neutral colours is made infinitely more exciting by layering a whole bunch of things. The similar shades keep it from being too busy, while the large number of items keeps it from being too boring.

 Twilight Saga: New Moon - Alice Cullen Fashion & Style This purple really just seals my UNDYING LOVE for Alice Cullen's wardrobe.

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