Thursday 11 March 2010

Social Media Faux Pas

By now we've all become accustomed to the flood of social media and social networking sites. Almost everyone is tweeting, facebooking or blogging these days and lately I am beginning to notice more Tweets & status updates that are wholly inappropriate & sometimes really awkward!

Sooooo I decided to compile a list of my top Social Media Faux Pas, basically the things I see as no-no's in the world of Tweets & updates.

1. Airing your greviences or "dirty laundry" about your Significant Other. Not only is this disrespectful but it can make you look like an idiot. Example:

"My Boyfriend has been cheating on me with my best friend"

When you post something like this and then work things out or don't dump him, everyone will remember what you wrote and think that you're an idiot.

"My husband is a lazy sack of shit. Maybe he should get off his ass and do the laundry."

Maybe you should just talk to him about or read this book?!

2. Anything about sex or drugs. If you are about to have sex, just had sex or wanting to have sex, please keep it to yourself. And as for drugs, just don't, I have a cousin who always has updates like:

"smoking some bluntz and I'm so hiiiiiiiigh"

Ask yourself, "Would I be embarrased if my parents saw this?"
if you answered yes or maybe, then don't post it!

3. While updating often is A-OK, no one needs a play by play of ever waking moment of your day. Even celebrities can be boring sometimes so it's silly to think that your life would be exciting to everyone all the time. This is what I mean:

"Going to go grocery shopping"
"At the grocery store! wow it's packed"
"Back from the grocery store, putting away all the groceries"
"Finally got all the groceries put away, making myself a turkey sandwhich"
"Eating a turkey sandwhich"

Sorry, I fell asleep writing that.

4. Anything that will make you look like a womanizer, slut or complete egomaniac. I recently deleted someone from my Facebook account after he posted multiple pictures of himself topless, one with a girl licking his abs and then wrote some updates like this:

"Everyone go check out my picture. Look how jacked I was! I can't believe I used to be that big. Thinking about getting that big again."

"I hate seeing models without six packs abs. I mean seriously?"


5. Excessively using profanity. We all curse. I drop an f-bomb every now and then but just not all the time. Try to limit yourself to one curse word a day. Trust me, even though everyone uses them, no one appreciates reading them all day long.

I hope you found this informative and helpful.
It is meant to be humorous & not offensive to anyone.
No Tweets were injured during the making of this post.
Love you ALL

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