Tuesday 6 April 2010

When People Stop Being Polite, And Start Getting Real

I started this blog so that I could have a place to to speak my mind
and vent about things.
but I feel like I haven't really been able to do that.
and I need to get some things off my chest.

Since friends and family found and read my blog
I feel like I often cannot say the things I want to say.
I feel like I have to censor myself.
But by now I have read enough blogs to know that some people are just not real.
Some people try so hard to put out this image or persona
so that people will read their Blog and like their Blog.
I don't want to be one of those people,
that just is not me.
Last week I became really annoyed and frustrated.
I was so sick of all the crap I was seeing on Facebook,
all the misery and complaints.
I took a 5 day Facebook break.
I contemplated deleting my Blog and Twitter altogether.
I questioned why I continued to do this.

I don't want to post something just for the sake of posting something.
I don't want to create a false image that isn't who I really am.

What you read here is all me, all real
My name is really Katy
I'm 26 years old
I live in Southern New Hampshire.
I have a job that I hate with unrivaled passion.
I love to cook and drink wine.
I love fashion and shopping.
I let little things get to me.
I have really strong opinions.
I rarely tell people when they piss me off because people rarely change.
I have an amazing Fiance.
I have two really super annoying but oh so cute kitty cats.
I swear a lot.

I feel like I have shared so many things here that I am truly passionate about.
But I've also posted some really lame shit
(in my opinion)
and I've held back.
In "real" life I'm raw, I speak my mind.
I tend to offend people without meaning to by simply being honest.
I'm kind of a bitch.
I have a non-chalence about me that can be annoying.
I have held back becuase I was afraid of offending or alienating fellow bloggers.
But I just want to be myself.

I am not going to delete my blog.
I'm not going to let all the little things bring me down.
I am going to continue to use this space to share the things I love,
the things I hate,
the things I cook,
the places I go
the fashion I love
the shit that I do.

I am going to try not to hold back, as much haha.
I am not going to post fluff simply so I can have something posted,
in the past I have done this a couple of times.
it makes me hate myself.
Sometimes you might not be so interested in what I post,
other times you might be really interested.
And while I have strong opinions about a lot of things,
I am also very open and never push those opinions on others.
If you read something here and disagree,
feel free to tell me!
Blogging is about sharing.

I love blogging and all the friends I have made through my Blog.
I've out grown a lot of things
and I've grown up a lot.
I'm not going to be afraid to say or post something anymore.
I am going to swear if I feel like it.
I love all my followers and all the blogs that I follow.
I hope no one reads this and takes it as some kind of personal attack,
because it's not.
It's just me speaking my mind.
I feel like I can let out a big sigh now,
and I'm very happy to be here.

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