Sunday 7 February 2010

The Future Mrs. B

This weekend was the getaway Ryan planned as my Birthday gift. Little did I know just how much planning went into this weekend haha.

We left after work on Friday night and drove up with Lincoln, NH home to Loon Mountain Ski Resort. It's so beautiful up there with the White Mountains, fresh air and starry night sky. We had dinner at The Common Man, a local family owned chain of restaurants with locations all over NH, they specialize in comfort foods like baked macaroni and cheese, meat loaf and chicken pot pie. They also have a really cozy bar with a huge fireplace. I had a martini called the Anti-Oxidant Martini. It tasted like the chewable purple tylenol from when I was a kid and for some reason I loved it.

We called it a night after dinner since we planned to get up bright and early to hit the slopes! Ryan has never been on skis before and we were both anxious to get up on the mountain. We got up at 7:30am, had a big hearty breakfast and headed to the mountain. I gave Ryan a few pointers and we headed up the ski lift. We did a short green trail and stopped often so I could teach him some skiing basics. He did so great! We got 4 or 5 full runs in before lunch!

After lunch we decided to take the Gondola to the top of the mountain and do a leisurely green trail back down. About a quarter of the way down Ryan took a little spill when he tried to stop at my request. I wanted to get some pictures of the beautiful view. Then he asked me to take a picture of us.

Suddenly Ryan said:
"I have a present for you"
"You do?"
He pulled a little navy blue box out of his jacket pocket
"I know you've been waiting for this, I'm sorry I can't get down on one knee, but will you marry me?"
(it's hard to kneel with skis on)
"Oh my god, are you serious?"
"Yes of course!"

and then I cried and we hugged and we kissed and almost fell off the side of the mountain we were so excited.

Apparantly Mr. Sneaky called my Parents earlier in the week to ask for their blessing, they were more than happy to give it to him. I had no idea whatsoever that this was going to happen. I was in complete shock, and still am.

We took a little break to let it sink in, and for my hands to stop shaking haha. But we headed back up the mountain to take a few more runs before calling it a day.  We enjoyed a nice dinner at a local italian restaurant, a yummy bottle of red wine and chocolate cake! We celebrated all night, maybe a little too much haha and I cannot stop smiling.

Best. Weekend. Ever.

You can check out Ryan's first time skier skills too if you like:

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