Wednesday 3 February 2010

Today Could Possibly End Up As The Worst Day Of My Life

During these hard economic times, things have been tough on everyone. My work has been exceptionally slow. You become accustomed to a certain way of living and to a certain about of money coming in and don't consider how quickly that all can change. Last year we moved because we could afford to. My Boss announced this morning that he would be either laying someone off or cutting their commission off. We will know by the end of the day.

If either of those things happen to me we are royally fucked. My salary covers my living expenses only not including food and gas etc. So losing my commission rate would kill me. Losing my job would kill me more as Unemployment would only cover part of my Salary and no commission. Which is worse? I'm not sure.

I have been desparately trying to find a new job but I can't afford to just lose the one I have. Ryan's salary can't carry us both.

Please pray for me.

PS: In true Murphy's Law fashion my Father had a skiing accident today and is in the Emergency Room with a broken collar bone and awaiting an MRI. I don't have anymore details right now, my Mom was pretty incoherent when she called. So please, pray for him too!

My Boss called my co-worker into his office and told her that if anyone were to be fired it would be her, however he is not going to fire anyone today. I think my boss has some kind of sick sense of humor that I just don't get. To be safe I applied to 2 jobs today and re-activated my account. I need a new job anyway with benefits!

My Dad has a broken nose, broken collar bone and cracked ribs. No head or neck injuries, the MRI was clear. He will be release from the hospital tonight and then they have to figure out if he can fly home as they are in Idaho. Thanks to everyone for your kind comments, tweets and keeping us in your thoughts & prayers. My Dad scared me today for sure.

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