Monday 16 November 2009

Martinis, Margaritas and Monday

Weekend Recap!!

First of all, nothing cramps my style like a hole in my tights. By now you should know of my love for tights. This morning I went to put on my fav opaque black tights and lo-and-behold, there was a monster sized tear!! So sad. My new patterned ones had the same fate. Ah well, another excuse to hit the stores. Not that I ever really need one.

So this weekend was a chill but oh so fun one. Sometimes staying in can be just as fun as going out! On Friday night my Boyfriend and I cooked up some Filet Mignon, roasted red potatoes and a delish salad. We opened a bottle of red wine, put on some tunes and enjoyed the evening. It was relaxing, fun and romantic. And we did all that in our pajamas. I will share my favorite potato recipe with you all sometime soon.

So on Saturday we headed out to lunch at Chipolte. It just opened up here which makes me feel like I live in the middle of nowhere. It wasn't bad. After that I convinced my Boyfriend to accompany me to DSW. 3 pairs of shoes and almost $200 later we headed off to the movies to see 2012. I must say, I expected that movie to be just another action flick but I was surprised at how much it affected to me. I'm not a believer in the whole 2012 thing but seeing the world fall apart and all of those people in the movie die actually brought me to tears. Don't tell the BF though he already thinks I'm a cry baby (I cried watching the Matrix Revolutions last night haha).

Later that night two of my best girlfriends came over to hang out. We made martinis, margaritas, pizza and played games. It was really fun to just hang out and chat and be girls. My Boyfriend played waiter and made us drinks all night! It was pretty cute, he even donned a red apron to make us laugh. I wish I got a pic, would have been good for blackmail.

On Sunday, I had to go take pictures of a property for work and then we attempted to get some new shelves for our closet. Our closet is huge and I've already filled it. We didn't find the ones we needed though so instead we bought a new doormat. It's pretty cute. We hit up Target and decided we are going to put up a Christmas tree, despite the fact that I won't be home for Christmas. We are going to buy one this week along with some decorations. I will share pics once we do all that. We had lunch out and then headed home to watch the New England Patriots lose to the Colts.

And now it's Monday. Another week has begun, I am super excited for this weekend though!! We are having my Boyfriend's birthday party on Saturday! Can't wait, I ordered a dress and I want it to come like, now!

I hope everyone had a fab weekend!
Check out my new boots:

I don't know if I should consider them booties or just boots? Either way they are cute. Nine West.
Love Love!

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