Thursday 19 November 2009

We Didn't Start The Fire

Ok actually, we did.

Last night we decided to make fried scallops for dinner, the Boyfriend has been wanting them for a long long time. Sooooo we filled a pot with oil and heated it up! The only problem was the pot was too shallow and when we dropped the scallops in the oil spilled over the side. As soon as the oil hit the burner it ignited causing the whole pot to burst into flames.

Luckily, our building has a fire extinguisher of every floor. Picture me frantically running down the hallway in the sweat pants. When I got back in with the fire extinguisher it went like this (screaming of course):

Me: "I got it!"
BF: "GO!"
Me: "I don't know how to use this thing!"
BF: "Pull the pin!!"

I pulled the pin and he took it out of my hands after that and doused the flames.

What. A. Mess.

Our entire kitchen was covered in a fine white powder, our entire home was filled with smoke and dust, smoke alarms were going off, the stove was obviously black where the fire was. It was a mess. We spent the next hour cleaning up the mess, airing out our place, and calming down the kitties. That stuff got everywhere.

Luckily no one was hurt and nothing was permanently damaged. It could have been much much much worse. Not to mention I never bought our insurance policy...definitely doing that this weekend.

So for anyone who doesn't know (thank GOD we did) never try to put out a grease fire with water, use an extinguisher!! I was told that throwing salt on it or covering the fire works too. I knew the covering one but didn't want to take any chances.

Here are the rules of Fire Extinguisher usage for all you people out there:

P - Pull the pin
A - Aim: at the fire (duh!)
S - Spray/Shoot: pull the little handle!
S - Sweep: Use a sweeping motion to cover the fire

I learned this a long time ago but of course forgot it the second I had to use one :)

Next time we are using a bigger pot. Don't think we won't be trying this again haha.

The dust was much worse in person and in piles around the stove.
We had to vacuum some of it because it was so thick!

Bottom right burner, was very burned, the worst of it is below the coils.
I have to scrub it when I get home :(

Smokey apartment! (and a bit messy)

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