Tuesday 3 November 2009

Tangerine Trees and Marmalade Skies

Wow, what a busy busy weekend! I spent most of Friday night and Saturday morning setting up for our Halloween Party and getting last minute decorations and things. The party was a success, the decorating came out great and we had a very eery atmosphere. We had a great time, and now it's all done. We finished cleaning up decorations and everything yesterday. I feel like there is just so much hype over Halloween and then it's over in a few ours. I think next year I would skip having the party and just go out somewhere. It's so much less work that way. There I am in costume, such a serious look on my face haha. The flapper dress was comfortable, not very flattering though. The wig was super fun.

So on Monday I went to my first Pole Dance Class. My Friend asked me to join her in taking the class and another friend signed up too so now the 3 of us are enrolled in pole dancing for the next 5 weeks. It was definitely more difficult than expected, I'm not used to moving my body in the ways we were shown. I doubt I will be a "natural" or get really good at it or anything but my goal is not to become an awesome pole dancer. I joined the class as an alternative form of excercise. I'm not replacing the gym with it but it's another way to stay active. We'll see how good I get. Of course my Boyfriend is ready to install a pole in our apartment, that will never happen. I can tell you that I am nowhere near being able to do what the girl in this picture is doing. It is pretty damn fun though.

I'm hoping this week is sort of quiet with not much going on. We have plans on Saturday but so far nothing else is really planned for the week and I am super happy about that. Sometimes it's nice to just stay in and relax. Friday night will most definitely be a quiet night at home with my Man, home cooked dinner and a nice bottle of wine. We currently have more bottles of wine then we have places to put them. We are looking for a nice bar style buffet table to go along the wall in our dining room. We want one with built in wine racks and a place to hang wine glasses. I'm hoping to find a nice one at Homegoods.

I'm currently at work, streaming a NY radio station, Q104.3. Classic rock takes precedence above all other music for me. I don't really like any of the stations around here so I listen to this one online. Currently they are playing The Beatles. I love The Beatles, my whole family does. The name of my Blog was actually inspired by the song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, specifically the line "With tangerine trees and marmalade skies". Tangerine is just a cool word and hearts are my all time favorite thing so the combination was obvious.

I hope everyone's week is off to a good start!


31 lucy in the sky with diamonds - Beatles

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